Unmanned Systems Education
Virginia Space Grant Consortium
VSGC is a coalition of five Virginia colleges and universities, NASA, state educational agencies, Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology and other institutions representing diverse aerospace interests. VSGC acts as an umbrella organization, coordinating and developing aerospace-related and high technology educational and research efforts throughout the Commonwealth, and connecting Virginia’s effort to a national community of shared aerospace interests. VSGC administers the GeoTed-UAS project funded by the National Science Foundation. VSGC Details here.
Christopher Newport University
The Department of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering (PCSE) offers multiple B.S and M.S. Degrees. Department research includes labs focused on robotics, intelligent systems, and collaborative agents. Beyond the classroom, CNU PCSE offers a UAS Competition Team Club. Details here.

Old Dominion University
The Department of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering (PCSE) offers multiple B.S and M.S. Degrees. Department research includes labs focused on robotics, intelligent systems, and collaborative agents. Beyond the classroom, CNU PCSE offers a UAS Competition Team Club. Details here.

Elizabeth City State University
ECSU has developed a comprehensive UAS program that encompasses two B.S. Degree programs: (1) B.S. Aviation Science w/UAS Concentration (2) B.S. Unmanned Aircraft Systems. ECSU builds upon 30+ years of Aviation expertise and offers the only 4-year UAS degree program regionally. Gain both Systems and Operational Knowledge and skills with hands-on field experience with industry / research grade equipment. A UAS Flight Testing Facility is in development. Details here.

Virginia Peninsula Community College
Offers a UMS program that provides a Small UAS Systems Flight Technician Certificate. Details here.

Denbigh Aviation Academy
Denbigh High School’s Aviation Academy, a nationally recognized STEM site, that specializes in piloting, aircraft maintenance, engineering, safety and security. We provide a quality education that maximizes the potential of every student by providing them with the knowledge, skillsets, experiences and values needed in the 21st Century workplace. Details here.
Williamsburg Aviation Scholarship Program (WASP)
Offering local high school students aviation scholarships since 2014. Located in Williamsburg, VA. Details here.